180 Degree Rule- This is a guide for two people that are the subject of the filming should have the same right/left relationship. The camera should always be on the axis, or as some like to call it; the imaginary line, in order for the shots to work and be correct.
Shot reverse shot-This is used to show 2 characters dialogue, and is another example of continuity shots. The shot focuses on one person and then quickly changes to the other one, so that the audience are able to see the expressions on both actors faces, and makes the scene look more natural.

Match on action- This is also an editing technique when the editor cuts from one scene and then they shoot the same scene in a but at a different time. The match on action shows the same scene, but as a continuity shot, as the name suggests the action has to match what was in the previous shot. The action has to look like it exactly matches what has gone before so it looks natural.